Brightest and Best – Philippa Ruth Williams
God promised Jesus! During Advent, we look forward to celebrating that first coming of a vulnerable babe – the Saviour of our world. He was born into a prejudicial world of poverty, of darkness, of injustice, and yet He was indeed a gift from God to us all.
This preparation time is so easily overlooked because we are all pressured into Christmas so early – so I need a book to remind me daily through Advent of the real reason behind this coming celebration. Brightest and Best is my book this year. The introduction says: “We are in a world laden with darkness and grief, and yet, by the end of November, so much around us seems to be yelling, HAVE A HAPPY CHRISTMAS….”. Wilson takes us on a journey from December 1st through to the New Year. Using short, manageable, easy-to-read reflections, taking words from well-known carols and suggesting Bible verses to read, I am hoping that this book will help me both reflect and enjoy Advent and Christmas without being weary of the ‘season to be jolly’ before we get there!
NB: If anyone would like a copy, please sign up on the list at the back of the church or email