St Mary's News What’s on at St Mary’s


SUNDAY 8th Morning Prayer with Choir and 6.00 pm Evensong

SATURDAY 7TH SEPTEMBER, THE BIG BREAKFAST, ST MARY’S OLVESTON – due to popular demand, we have now closed our guest list. More dates to follow. Thank you for your support.


It works! Perfectly. The church clock is now bang on time and you can set your watch by it. Thanks to Morgan, our regional engineer employed by Smith of Derby, the clockmakers and repairers.

The FRIENDS of St. MARY’s financially support our church through the monthly lottery.

Over the years, it has donated more than £125,000 by funding items such as church carpets, pew runners, handbells, bell ropes, etc. Currently, we give £5000 annually to the Church.
If you want to join the lottery, just talk to Andy Phillips ( or ask David Prothero ( The monthly cost can be as little as £2, and the ten lucky winners receive over £400 monthly
between them. Don’t forget if you’re not in, you can’t win!

A small number of very heavy capstones are in the graveyard. These originally finished parts of the wall surrounding the graveyard have been unloved and unneeded until now. A church member has put forward an excellent suggestion for at least two of them—as bases for a bench that could be sited in the Northeast corner of the graveyard. Currently, there is no seating in this area.

OTHER NEWS is compiled by Martin Gibson ( or phone 01454 616856.