About us
St. Mary’s has been the spiritual heart of the village for centuries. The building is open daily during daylight hours for people to find a quiet place to meditate or pray. The community uses it for secular and social activities such as concerts, quizzes, movie nights, and exhibitions and has strong links with the nearby primary school. The graveyard is still in use and is a haven for wildlife.
What’s On at St. Mary’s.
Sue Farr’s latest Blog.
Plan of St Mary’s Graveyard can be found here.
More information about the Gravestone and the Memorial Inscriptions at St Mary’s Olveston can be found by following the link above.
Worshipping God
We meet on Sundays at 10 am and 6 pm for various sung and said services: every Wednesday at 10 am for a said Communion Service: and every Saturday at 4.30 pm during term time, our Young Families’ Service – “Refresh”. The church is blessed with a Director of Music, a full choir, and a fine peal of bells.
Growing in Faith
We have recruited a Growing In Faith Chaplain to support our local schools and families.
Serving Others

GREEN FORCE is a group from St Mary’s church that wants to make a positive difference to our beautiful planet. We were awarded the ARocha Bronze Eco Certificate on 16 November 2021 and achieved our Silver Award on 8th October 2023. Thank you for returning the questionnaires to help us achieve our Silver Award. Here are the results from the questionnaires. Thank you for being so supportive.

THE BELLS OF ST. MARY’S is a group of Hand Bell Ringers continuing a tradition in Olveston which started in 1969. If you want to join this group, please phone 01454 614072 or 01454 201044.

St Mary’s has a fine ring of 8 Taylor bells cast in 1907. Our primary role is to ring the bells for any required services, particularly weddings. If you are interested in becoming a ringer, please phone Philip Coward, the Tower Captain, on 01454 281444

Monday Movies are shown in Church every first Monday of the month at 7 pm for a 7.30 pm start. Admission is free, but a small donation towards costs is greatly appreciated. A licensed bar, tea, and coffee are served before the film starts and during the interval. Please download this season’s program.
2024 Movie Schedule coming soon.